Corporate Financing
¿Do you need to finance your business growth or face a restructuring? We assistance you to structure the long term financing of your company
Our financial corporate specialists team analyze your financing needs and the best capital structure to propose some financial alternatives, that best suit to your needs and will provide long-term resources that your company need to front facing a growth strategy.
We cover the indebtedness, restructuring and refinancing. We propose new alternative financing options and execute projects for the private equity access, industrial investors, and capital markets.

Private Equity
As the capital markets, the private equity provide long term financing to the companies, so is the financial instrument that best suits to companies needs that have to finance an expansion process. We are talking about industrial or financial investors, among the ones is the private equity, family office or minority shareholders‘ through private placements.
The private equity access is a high technical process, where the companies needs must matching with the investor financial objectives, so that suppose a complex and intense process talking about time and resources. The best alternative for the companies is to incorporate a specialized manager to front facing the process by avoiding that the manager team get distracted on the daily management.
At Working Capital, we incorporate the companies to take care of the whole process:
- Business plan revisión.
- Company valuation advisement.
- Capital needs quantification advisement.
- Deal documentation elaboration (Teaser, NDA, Confidential Information Memorandum, Process Letter, Management Presentation)
- Potentials investors identification and contact.
- Manager team preparation to introduce the company and the business plan to the investors.
Assistance on the revision, valuation and negotiation: not binding offers (NBO), data room, due diligence, binding offer, share purchase agreement (SPA).

At Working Capital we don´t have balance, so we advice you independently on the financing search with:
- Banks.
- Direct Lending entities and alternative financing platforms.
- Debt funds.
- Public financing entities (ENISA, COFIDES, etc.).
We start with an exhaustive financial planning process, where apart of doing the operatives aspects planning, we also revise the working capital, the CAPEX plan and the actual debt structure.
From this analysis we can quantify the financing needs and determine the best financial structure.
In function of the cash flow generated by the company we identify the available funding sources and assess other financial alternatives by proposing even customized solutions for the structured financing (bullet, balloon, …).
We negotiate the obtaining financing on the project finance modality, in projects with visibility and stability on their cash flows. Our team will assist you on the financial model elaboration, the correct assignment risks through the project contracts, the different project agents coordination (lawyers, auditors, technical advisor, etc.), and the conditions and guarantees negotiation with the financial entities.
Alternative Financing
Working Capital encourage new alternatives that can provide liquidity to the company and let diversify the financing sources.
We are a collaborator entity with the main alternative financing platforms.
If you have difficulties to obtain bank financing or you want to reduce your financial entities dependence, is the momentum to explore other alternatives:
- Sale & Lease Back real estate assets and machinery.
- Assets Rent Back
- Factoring without resource
- Crowdlending
- Equity Crowdfunding