Independent Market Advisor

Capital markets constitute an organized meeting point between investors and companies, and both suppose a long term financing way for the companies

Working Capital has wide experience on Initial Public Offerings, so we are the ideal partner to front facing a process full of advantages, which will change forever the company life contributing with financing, notoriety, and liquidity for their shareholders.

To accompany you during all the process, we incorporate ourselves to the company as Interim Manager, by getting ready to give entry to investors and adopting the Global Coordinator Role in the operation. We are totally independent, and our only target is to ensure the operation success, by taking care of the company and shareholders’ interests.

In Spain, we have the BME Growth (Alternative Stock Market) and MARF (Alternative Fixed Income Market), which since its constitution, both have approached the financing market to the Medium & Small Companies, by providing liquidity with more soft requirements, adequate to the small companies.

Advice on the process of incorporation into the BME Growth (Alternative Investment Market)

The market incorporation process requires to approach, among others, the next issues:

  • Equity Story construcción
  • Reporting systems suitable to fulfill on time and form the information requirements demanded by the market adn investors.
  • Review the Business Plan, determination of the financing needs and objective company valuation.
  • Elaboration of the deal documentation: Teaser, Confidential Information Memorandum, Management Presentation and DIIM (Informative Document of the Market Incorporation).
  • Structuring the competitive process for the Placing Entity and the rest of the operation adviser’s election: Nominated Advisor, Agent, Liquidity Provider, Auditors, Lawyers and Communication Agency.
  • Support on the required information supply at the Due Diligence and the rest of the review jobs.
  • Assistance for the formal and legal requirements fulfillment of the market incorporation: S.A. transformation, statutory modifications, board agreements, ISIN and SIBE codes request to IBERCLEAR, splits, adoption of good corporate governance measurements, etc.
  • Manage team preparation to present the company and Business Plan to the investors.
  • Accompaniment at the company Roadshow.
  • Advisement on the offer fixed price in function of the order book.

Once the quote life starts, is accurate supply to the market all the relevant information that can interest the company shareholders. Fulfill with the market launched expectations and generate an effective communication. These are the success keys for the quote evolution and what do we assume on our investors relations service.

Issuance of debt in the Alternative Fixed Income Market (MARF)

The Alternative Fixed Income Market (MARF) canalize financial resources of the company investors, who issue Long Term Bonds or a Short-Term Promissory Note Program. The issuance process isn’t very different than the admission process in the Equity Capital Market, although it has some peculiarities, like the obligation of having a creditician calification issued by the Rating Agency.

At Working Capital, we advise you during the company preparation process for the debt issue, as well as coordinate the whole process with the rest of the agents who take part on the operation.